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The scientific laboratory was founded in 1996. It has conducted extensive research dealing with the most important issues of pediatric surgery and addressing a wide range of surgeries: reconstructive operations to treat esophagus, mediastinum, duodenum, small intestine, colorectal, thoracic, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands congenital malformations; septic interventions in urological pathology, neurosurgery, traumatology and orthopedics, combustions, oncology in children, etc. Surgical principles and techniques used in parasitic diseases, digestive hemorrhages, osteomyelitis in children as well as extracorporeal detoxification methods have been mainly developed.

The research activity of the Laboratory employees aims to establish the frequency of diseases, the clinical-evolutionary peculiarities of patients, to estimate the morbidity and mortality, to evaluate the modern methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment, to asess remotely the results in congenital malformations and surgical conditions in newborns and children aged 0-18 years.

Address: Mother and Child Institute public health institution, Academician Natalia Gheorghiu Scientific-Practical Center for Pediatric Surgery, Chisinau, 93 Burebista Street.

Tel: (+373 22) 523705